Annie Wang
Annie Wang joined MIT's ONE Lab in 2011 as a joint postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Bulovic and Prof. Jeffrey Lang after completing her Ph.D. in electrical engineering at MIT. Her graduate work in Prof. Tayo Akinwande's group (EECS, MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratory) focused on developing organic and oxide semiconductor thin film transistors (TFTs) for large area flexible electronics, particularly a low-temperature-budget, scalable fabrication process for oxide TFT circuits. She applies a long-standing interest in manipulating multi-layered thin films to research applications in MEMS, organic optoelectronics, and solar photovoltaics.
Current Research: Developing and applying novel fabrication methods for low power electronic switches, quantum dot optoelectronics, ultra-thin solar cells
Subgroup: Solar Technologies, Nanomechanics