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Lead Instructor(s)
Apr 29 - Jul 01, 2025
Registration Deadline
Course Length
9 weeks
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An online course for leveraging competitive advantage, Management of Technology: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis is designed to expand and build upon the knowledge acquired by professionals in Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development. In this continuation of the first course, the comprehensive goal is to lead participants in their quest to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage technology and create a portfolio within their organizations.

The beauty of technology is its constant advancement, growth, and evolution. It can never be contained or segmented. The possibilities are limited solely by the intentions behind its use. But, as previously seen in the program Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development, we can understand and leverage technology to improve practically all aspects of our lives.

"Technology is the deliberate creation of objects and processes to solve specific problems"  
- Prof. Olivier de Weck

Course Overview

Participants will explore how to build and manage an efficient technology portfolio, examining how to thoroughly analyze it while also uncovering what we can expect from technology in the future. To do so, participants will be provided with a wide variety of real case studies and practical exercises from diverse industries.

* PREREQUISITES - In order to correctly grasp, understand, and benefit from the content of this program, participants are required to have successfully completed the online course Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development.

When you enroll in this course, you will receive a complimentary copy of Prof. Olivier de Weck’s eTextbook, Technology Roadmapping and Development: A Quantitative Approach to the Management of Technology. The book complements the Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development course by detailing topics regarding principles, methods, and tools of technology management for organizations and technologically enabled systems. Find more information about the book here.

Management of Technology: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis, with curriculum developed and taught by MIT faculty, is delivered in collaboration with Global Alumni. Contact Global Alumni for more information about this program:

Global Alumni is an ed-tech company that collaborates with institutions to manage enrollments (including all payment services and invoicing), technology, and participant support. 

Learning Outcomes

According to Professor Olivier de Weck, creator and instructor of the program, there are several reasons that make it pertinent today. You will learn how to: 

  • Analyze and evaluate technologies in the context of an entire system
  • Understand technology infusion and the process of creating a systematic framework to quantify and assess its impact
  • Develop a deep understanding of the social, organizational, and fiscal influence in technological progress
  • Set up and run an effective technology scouting organization, as well as its associated processes
  • Identify the different types of intelligence technologies
  • Comprehend the system dynamics modeling approach to model technical innovation
  • Anticipate and prepare for future technological evolution
Who Should Attend

This program is aimed at all those professionals with a thirst to learn the most beneficial ways to implement technology in their organizations:

  • CTOs, CINOs, and leaders of technological departments or projects who need to understand the evolution of technology and optimal technology management for their organizations.
  • Technical professionals who want to obtain a broader strategic vision of how methods and tools of technology management can transform their business operations.
  • CEOs, entrepreneurs and functional managers in technical areas or sectors looking to create new business models and scale up their current operations.
  • Professionals who want to understand the benefits and opportunities that technology offers for digital transformation in their organization.


This course provides a very comprehensive overview of the strategies and methodologies needed to effectively manage technology in any organization. I feel like I am coming out of it with a Swiss knife type tool-box I will be able to apply anywhere to drive successful innovation. It is full of great insight, great in-depth examples and a ton of useful exercises. I would a absolutely recommend it to anyone looking to hone technology management skills.
XENIA LECHA - IT/Data Cisco Company
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