OnDemand Open House: Professional Certificate Program Design & Manufacturing
May 12, 2023
Available On Demand

As AI research continues to accelerate, industry professionals in manufacturing are challenged to stay up-to-date on every aspect of the field, from smart manufacturing process to Industry 4.0 and intelligent product design. In the Professional Certificate Program in Design & Manufacturing, you’ll acquire the knowledge you need to get—and stay ahead—in this rapidly evolving industry.
Wondering if the certificate is right for you? Our On-Demand Virtual Open House is your chance to:
- Hear from the prestigious MIT faculty who lead the program—top educators, researchers, and industry practitioners who are shaping the future of real estate
- Learn about the certificate’s curriculum, activities, and networking opportunities and how they can help you identify and act on new opportunities in your industry
- Determine how the program can help you transform your career and solve your unique challenges
Questions? Contact us at shortprograms@mit.edu.